World Prized Korean Red Ginseng

Korean Red Ginseng has been identified as one of the most potent herbs in the globe. The plant is also known as Panax Ginseng, or simply “Panax”- a Greek name meaning “all-healing”. Asian societies have used the plant for ages, and it has gained worldwide popularity for its therapeutic properties, as it has been known to offer holistic medicinal solutions to mental and physiological complications. Korean Red Ginseng is not a drug, it is considered to be a vitamin mineral rich food. This adaptogenic herb can be used by men, women, the ill and the healthy. The function ingredient found in 6 year grown Korean Red Ginseng contains a family of plant compounds known as Ginsenosides known for their adaptogenic healing properties. 

Red ginseng holds 32 different types of ginsenosides. In comparison with American ginseng which contains only 14 types, red ginseng is twice in amount. The reason for more types of ginsenoside is because the process of low steaming activates the active ingredients in the ginseng. In comparison with other ginsengs, the bodies absorption rate of red ginseng is much higher.

What is Ginsenoside?

It’s an ingredient inside of ginseng known as ‘Saponine.’ If you are not familiar with saponin, well, it is found in numerous different food constituents including beans as well as green tea. The ingredient receives the attention in various points of view which include reinforcement of immune system and fights against obesity. It also receives attention for its counteractive effect of reducing body cholesterol and cleaning the blood. Saponin also reduces the inflammation indicators levels such as interleukin-1beta as well as reducing the arthritis index. As it is expected, ginseng is much rich in saponins. This ingredient in ginseng is precisely known as ‘ginseng saponin,’ or ‘ginsenoside.’ Ginsenoside is capable of boosting the functioning of the brain as well as strengthening immune system and may be a prevention treatment for diabetes, liver heart disease, and cancer as well.

Ginsenosides General Effect

Ginsenoside Rb1: Restraining central nerves, antipyretic analgesic, protect liver function
Ginsenoside Rg1: Strengthening immune function, improving learning function, anti-fatigue
Ginsenoside Rg3: Restraining metastasis of cancer cells, protecting liver, restraining anticancer tolerance

Medicinal Herb

Ginsenoside Rb2: Anti-diabetic, Anti-arteriosclerosis, liver cell proliferation, control immune system
Ginsenoside Rc: Pain reduction, promoting synthesis of protein and lipid
Ginsenoside Rd: Promoting secretion of adrenocortical hormone
Ginsenoside Re: Protecting liver, promoting synthesis of marrow cells, enlarging blood vessels
Ginsenoside Rg2: Restraining platelet aggregation, improving hypomnesia
Ginsenoside Rh1: Liver protection, anti-cancer, restraining platelet aggregation
Ginsenoside Rh2: Restraining growth of cancer cells, improving skin immunology
Ginsenoside Rf: Pain reduction of brain nerve cell, restraining lipid and oxidation
Ginsenoside Ro: Alcohol detoxification, anti-hepatitis, anti-inflammation


Korean Red Ginseng has been used for centuries for medicinal purposes. In the 16th Century, kings, emperors and wealthy households used ginseng medicinally. Korean Red Ginseng was referred as the “hot herb” because of its capabilities to restore and reenergize the body. Asian legends claim this “man-root” was a symbol of human health, promoting long life, fertility, and many other beneficial properties to the overall well-being of the human body. Korean Red Ginseng was worth its weight in gold. It was so revered that wars were fought for the control of the land in which it thrived. Koreans have been trading ginseng for more than 1,500 years.

6 Years

Total time from planting to processing is 6 years, and this sets the Panax apart from other Ginseng varieties. 6 years is the ideal duration for the Ginseng roots to form fully, and it is after this period that the crop contains the nutrients and mineral in optimal amounts. The crop has been referred to as ‘man-root’ due to the man-like formation of roots after the 6 year maturation period.  After the harvest is done, it takes another 10 years to prepare the land until it is fertile enough to accommodate new crop. These conditions make Korean Ginseng more nutritious and of higher quality, containing more than twice the amount of healthy plant saponins compared to the Canadian, American and Chinese species.


Till this day, South Korea has been producing the world’s highest quality of ginseng. The crop grows mainly in Korea due to the geographical and climate conditions necessary for plant to perform well. The Korean Peninsula offers the optimum biological and climate requirements for the successful cultivation of the crop. Korean Ginseng is termed the highest quality Ginseng globally because the plant has evolved to fit the country’s geographical profile. Korea is within the best latitude, with its north facing mountains made of loamy soils with adequate drainage. Korea also experiences the four seasons that allow the crop to develop and drop buds at specific intervals allowing for better foliage and root development. The precious crop takes a great deal of time, patience and dedication to cultivate, mature and finally harvest.


Red Ginseng

Since the Ginseng root, also known as “man root”, is a splitting image of the human body, the Korean Red Ginseng was thought to heal the whole human body. The roots develop progressively throughout the six years of growth, forming scars after every four seasons. These scars, besides giving the plant its unique appearance, also help count its age. The body branches develop into roots that resemble limbs, and the rhizome tip makes the head. It also contains numerous lateral roots, but these don’t interfere with the plant structure.


Carefully handpicked roots are rinsed with water and cleaned with modern processors use ultrasonic waves to blast to remove any left-over debris. For the best quality red ginseng, Ginseng roots are steamed and dried by dehydration methods. This is to allow for the roots to develop a deep red color, from the white-yellow it is when harvested. Processing is done at low steam temperatures of 70-80 degrees celsius, for efficiency, which also preserves nutrients. Steaming eradicates all known side effects, making it suitable for everybody, young and old, sick and healthy. Steaming also leads to the production of anti-carcinogenic and anti-inflammatory substances, which are only present in Korean Red Ginseng.