Good nutrition.
Powerful antioxidant.

Combat stress & fatigue naturally


Most energy drinks are loaded with sugar and other ingredients that don't belong in your body.

They’ll spike your blood sugar, then bring you crashing down later feeling exhausted.

That’s no way to live your life.

Root 9 is different

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What's in the can?

500mg Red Ginseng

Red ginseng is capable of boosting brain function, strengthening the immune system, and may be a prevention treatment for diabetes, liver heart disease, and cancer.

40mg Green Tea

Green tea is one of the healthiest beverages available. It’s loaded with antioxidants that may improve brain function, increase fat loss,  protect against cancer, and lower the risk of heart disease

Vitamin Boost: C, B3, B5, B6, B1, B2, B12

These vitamins help the body convert food into energy, create new blood cells, maintain healthy skin and brain cells, and are needed for the growth and repair of tissues in all parts of your body.

Our Story

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"With ROOT9 my husband doesn’t have to worry about his blood sugar spiking or crashing later."

Jessica C., Reno NV

"Since my husband has been drinking Root 9 his diabetes has been under control and he has the energy that he needs every single day. His numbers are great!"

Mary G., Fresno CA

"I started drinking ROOT9 as a replacement treat for quitting soda and boy I am glad I did! I’ve already lost 11 pounds, feel a lot more energetic and my blood pressure has gone down!"

Rick M., Citrus Heights CA

"When my glucose level was at a low of 68 I drank Root9 and 6 minutes later my glucose levels were at a stable level of 125.  I also tried Root9 when my glucose levels were at 268 and it brought them down to a stable point of 135."

Wyatt D., Yuba City CA

"Root9 lowered my blood sugar from a high of 190 to 104 and blood pressure from 200 over 190 to 114 over 66. It gives me lots of energy that I haven’t had in years."

Ronald M., Sacramento CA

One of the most potent herbs on the planet is now in a can.

Korean Red Ginseng

See what it can do for you!

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State of Perfect Wellness:

1. Adapt

Anti-Stress properties. Refresh mind body and soul.

2. Defend

Promote healthy glucose levels for Type 2 diabetics.

3. Recharge

Naturally enhances libido and blood flow. Men & Women

4. Activate

Boost your immune system to fight against viruses.

5. Manage

Support memory & brain function.

6. Boost

Natural balanced energy boost. No crash no jitters

7. Detoxify

Saponins detoxify (like soap) clean your inside body.

8. Vitalize

Enhance levels of endurance, coordination, and sharpens reflexes.

9. Protect

Saponins detoxify (like soap) clean your inside body.

Helps burns fat at higher rates.